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What's the Best Solo Class in Blade And Soul?

There are 7 classes in Blade & Soul, namely Blade Master, Kung-Fu Master, Destroyer, Force Master, Assassin, Summoner and Sword Master with each class has its own features.

Improved Tips for Blade And Soul NA/EU Newbie

1) - Insanely outdated info, 2) - "Tips" that do not apply to NA/EU at all, 3) - Absolutely atrocious and horrendous grammar in places, and 4) - Insanely common knowledge and pointless "Tips" such as "Lower your graphics settings if you get slowdown".

The Explanation of Blade & Soul The Arena

Challenging other martial artists in player vs. player combat can come in a variety of different ways within Blade & Soul, from testing your skills in World PvP with a Faction uniform equipped, to entering the Arena and competing against other martial artists.

Cheap Blade And Soul Gold Hot for Sale

Are you finding a Korean MMORPG? Do you want to experience the fun of a new martial arts fantasy action MMORPG! Blade & Soul will give you answer. Buy Blade & Soul Gold on to experience this exciting game.

Displaying 265-268 of 268 results.