Guide on Knockdown Skills in Blade and Soul

bladesoulgold Date: May/02/16 15:13:28 Views: 1313



In Blade and Soul, we need the knockdown skill when fight some bosses. The knockdown skills are quite essential for leveling up in Blade and Soul. Here is a detailed guide on the knockdown skills. 


The use of the knockdown skills has a very important significance in Blade and Soul PvP. The basic principle is to choose the right approach in different situations. The basic purpose is to cause damage quickly before the opponent's skills restore. 


When the Kung Fu Master fights against the Destroyer, Kung Fu Master uses Persistence and Fury to deal with the TAB. When Destroyer's TAB restores, Kung Fu Master should use trigger and floating skills to gain time. When it comes to the knockdown skills, you should use Iron Shoulder before using Leg Sweep, and SS/Smite/Q. However, at the same time, Kung Fu Master should release damage as soon as possible. 


The purpose of knockdown skills is to Retreat, so that the release output and outbreak can be facilitated, such as Assassin's dazed combo, Blade Master's knockdown combo, Destroyer's dazed combo, and Kung Fu Master's double floating.


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