Blade & Soul Russian Language Version IP Restriction

bladesoulgold Date: Dec/11/15 02:55:49 Views: 1462

From official forum:


"NCSOFT has established a partnership with Innova to bring a Russian language version of Blade & Soul to the countries of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.


Innova will be providing all game service to players in these countries, and as such, access to the European and North American servers will not be available for players in the countries listed above, and the Russian language servers will similarly not be available to players from Europe or North America.


If you purchased a Founder's Pack before December 8 for North America or Europe, and live in one of the above countries, we'll be automatically refunding your purchase. Automatic refunds will begin on December 9, 2015, and are expected to complete by December 24, 2015. If your refund does not appear on your card or purchase account by January 1, or if you made a purchase after December 8 and will not be receiving an automatic refund, please get in touch with our support department which will be more than happy to assist you.


We're excited to see Blade & Soul offered in each region with the best server locations, latency, gameplay experience, and level of support possible.


For more information on this new region, please visit the Innova Blade & Soul website.


Team Blade & Soul"


Seems like Russian publisher has requested IP block from Ncsoft West. Great job Innova, a true russian approach to business. Those who still wants to play on the EU server might end up buying a private VPN in Europe and play through it. A kind of subscription fee for the game. There are even rumors of Innova will make an arena version with no gear equalized.